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Veszprémi Gyémánt �Út Buddhista Központ

Come And Support The Real Estate Project In Veszprém, Hungary!

In 2020 a big opportunity arose in Veszprém. By buying the building right next to our center, we can have more residents, and we can offer more comfort to those who are coming to us for a lecture or a meditation weekend.

"All sounds very good and we have a lot of good results with what we touched last years. It's beautiful to see how activites within Veszprem are becoming mature, the same as in the northern part of Hungary. Such a joy with the work that we are sharing while developing the richness of the deep meaning. Nothing is more useful than that."

-Lama Ole Nydahl, 2020.


The DWB center in Veszprém was founded in 1991 and since then we have been working together as a happy family with a lot of joy. In 2010 we bought the current center as Lama Ole Nydahl wished when he visited it.


The growth of our center required more space, and therefore we started to discuss our opportunities. These amazing opportunities appeared  this year.


Just behind the center we will build a nice green park which will replace an old  neglected part of the downtown, and can also be place for several events in the future.


Parallel to the garden project in the summer of 2020 we had the opportunity to buy the next door property. In this way our buddhist center can grow.


With the new property our center will have an additional 329 m2-s. We can expand the functions and living quarters of our center, which can serve the city like a huge diamond. More people can visit us, and learn about the Diamond Way Buddhism. The cost of the property is 135 millon Hungarian Forints (376 500 €) which is covered by national commitment and the local center.


Lama Ole, the local and the hungarian centers standing as one person behind the project. Everything is going smoothly. Financially, the expansion of the center and the park project is feasible, but parallelly we are planning a fundraising.

With the nationwide fundrasing we would like to collect at least 10 million Hun. Forints (28 000 ​€), and thus provide an opportunity for as many people as possible to join the Veszprém project.



In addition to personal donations, you can currently be effective with the occasional or 12-month regular transfer to the project.
If you decide to financially support our plans, we will be very happy to do so. Thank You!

Bank: Unicredit Bank
Hungarian Acc. Nr: 10918001- 00000017- 40990091
Account Holder: Gyémánt Út Buddhista Közösség
Comment: Kagyü Family

IBAN: HU46 -10918001- 00000017- 40990091

If You Want To Support Us For 12 Months...

It is possible to support the real estate project on a monthly basis for 1 year.
For this, we invented the following three packages:



8,5 €

That's a total of 12 months
102 €


28 €


That's a total of 12 months
336 €




That's a total of 12 months
168 €

It can be paid by regular transfer to the above account number.
IMPORTANT! In the comment box, write: Kagyuhouse + the name of the selected package + contact information (in order to send you a little surprise for your generosity.)

If you have any questions, please contact us!



Every offering counts! Thank you for your support!

0 €

14 000 €

28 000 €

24 000 €




Last update: Nov. 7., 2021.


Or how did we get here?
The feed is updated from time to time, you may want to come back sometimes!

Part 1. - Presentation Of The Project
(with english subtitles on Youtube)

Part 2. - The Short History Of The Veszprém Center (with english subtitles on Youtube)

Part 3. - Local Activity
(with english subtitles on Youtube)

Part 4. - The Financial Meeting
(with Lama Ole's words)

Part 5. - The Contract

Part 6. - The Fundraising Has Started!
(with english subtitles on Youtube)

Part 7. - Travel, Feast, Brainstorming
(english subtitles soon)

Part 8. - The "Garden"
(with english subtitles on Youtube)

Part 9. - Phova Practice And Dinner Together 

Part 10. - Construction Begins!
(with english subtitles on Youtube)

Part 11. - Let's Figure Out A Slogan!
(with english subtitles on Youtube)

Part 12. - The Website Is Ready!
(with english subtitles on Youtube)

Part 13. - Painting!

Part 14. - We Have the Slogan!
(english subtitles soon) 

Part 15. - Fearless work & fun weekend


Do You Have
A Question?

Call Us!

Or Write To Us!

Csala (Csalagovits István): +36 20 430 0411
Kertész Csilla: +36 30 415 9924
Jassek Balázs: +36 20 923 5623
Puskás Gergely: +36 20 368 0573       

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